2 Paycheck Budget - Condensed

2 Paycheck Budget - Condensed


Are you frustrated that budgeting apps are all by month and not by paycheck? Do you want to allocate money by paycheck instead?

This tool will help you break down each of your 2 monthly paychecks into categories and budget against them while making it easy to see an overall picture of your month in one place! This will help you see how much you can spend and save. It also will show you in a graph so your head won't start to hurt from the numbers.

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This requires no Excel experience! Super user friendly and made for the millennial woman.

Note: I have two different two paycheck budgets for sale. This version has your budgets, actual spending, and remaining $ all on one tab. This is ideal if you want to see all these numbers right next to each other. If you'd like to see them all a bit more spread out and simple, go check the simple version (they're the same price)! I also have a bundle listed for both if you'd like to test them both out.

If you have any questions on what templates are best for you, feel free to reach out!

I am sharing the tools that helped me save 100k at age 25 :)
Don't forget to check out @blondebrokeandbougie for more money tips!

2 Paycheck Budget - Multi-Page 2 Paycheck Budget Multipage Table 2.png

2 Paycheck Budget - Multi-Page

2 Paycheck Budget - Bundle 2 Paycheck Budget Condensed Table.png

2 Paycheck Budget - Bundle

Savings Tracker & 2 Paycheck Budget Bundle 2 Paycheck Budget Graph.png

Savings Tracker & 2 Paycheck Budget Bundle
