
When you refuse to let your favorite boots die, there is hope.

I have worn my favorite pair of boots that I got last year as much as humanly possible. Aside from the summer where it is generally not socially acceptable to wear leather boots, I wear them nearly every day. They were $130ish when I got them and if we’re talking cost per wear, I think its like $1 or maybe less.

The heel was so worn down there was no hope for them. My hips were even starting to bother me because I’m an old lady who needs good shoes and the heel was completely slanted. Even if I wanted to sell them to get new ones I wouldn’t be able to because they were about as used as it gets.

Then a sparkly beacon of light came to me when I walked by a shoe repair store. I brought them in and BAM NEW PAIR OF SHOES FOR $25. I wish I had a before picture, but you’ll have to take my word for it. They are new and beautiful and I’ll say it one more time only $25.

I promised them I’ll never let them go and I’ll hold strong to my word. Not like Rose did to Jack ugh what a bitch.
